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Role play cu Azure_Dusk-v0.2

Azure_Dusk-v0.2 este un model LLM conversațional construit pe baza Mistral-Nemo-Base-2407.

1. Introducere

Noul model AI a fost antrenat pe modelul de prompt ChatML care folosește următorul model de instrucțiuni:

Hi there!<|im_end|>
Nice to meet you!<|im_end|>
Can I ask a question?<|im_end|>

Azure_Dusk-v0.2 face parte din gama de modele prezentate în articolele anteriorare precum DarkIdol Llama 3.1-8B sau Nexus-IKM care pot fi folosite pe dispozitivele personale cu SillyTavern și LM Studio.

Mistral-Nemo-Base-2407 este un model generativ creat de Mistral AI fiind antrenat pe un set de 12 miliarde de parametri și având un context de 128k tokeni.

El face parte din gama modelelor AI mici și fiind accesibil prin inferență Mistral, transformers sau direct prin API din cloud-ul Mistral.

Antrenarea lui a fost făcută pe seturi de date din limbile franceză, germană, spaniolă, italiană, portugheză, rusă, chineză și japoneză și engleză dar este evident că modelul se descură foarte bine și în alte limbi, inclusiv limba română.

2. Instalarea prin LM Studio

Azure_Dusk-v0.2 este dispnibil pe platforma HuggingFace și poate fi descărcat gratuit printr-un utilitar precum LM Studio.

Varianta cuantizată pe 4 biți ocupă aproximativ 8 GB și poate rula în întregime în memoria video a unei placi grafice cu specificații medii.

După descărcarea modelului în LM Studio va trebui să activăm serverul local pe portul 1234.

3. Testarea cu SillyTavern

SillyTavern este una din aplicațiile cele mai ușor de folosit atunci când dorim să testăm un model AI pentru generarea de povești în mod role play.

Pentru a folosi Azure_Dusk_v0.2 va trebui să setăm conexiunea pe modul compabil LM Studio, să alegem adresa server-ului


și să bifăm tipul de conexiune ca fiind Legacy API

În SillyTavern vom seta profilele unor personaje fictive și un scenariu pe baza căruia se va desfășura povestea.

Role play cu Azure_Dusk-v0.2

Am ales 3 personaje, Victor, Marius și Elena copii de 13-14 ani, care petrec un weekend într-o excursie în pădure. Firi aventuroase ei încep să facă investigații atunci când Elena vede fumul unui foc la 2 km de tabăra lor.

Elena, Victor and Marius are spending the weekend in a mountain trip. In the first day Elena see a black smoke around 2km from them and tries her friend to go there to investigate. Maybe they fill find some treasure? Imagine a short story and the dialogs between the 3 characters.

When they go there they find the remains of the fire and the signs of a fight. On a tree there is a sign that says Please find us.....

The children will try to fallow the footsteps and to towards to top of the mountain

Pe baza instrucțiunilor date, Azure_Dusk-v0.2 generează povestea următoare:

"Elena! Look at this!" Victor called out excitedly as he pointed towards the dark smoke rising from behind the trees. The 14-year-old boy's amber eyes sparkled with curiosity and adventure. He ran over to his friend, brushing aside his long brown hair that fell past his shoulders.

"Wow," Elena breathed, her own blue eyes widening at the sight of the mysterious plume. "What do you think it is?"

"I don't know," Victor replied, a grin spreading across his youthful face. "But I say we go check it out! Maybe there's something cool to discover."

Marius, the third member of their group, nodded in agreement. The 13-year-old boy with black hair and glasses adjusted them on his nose as he peered at the smoke.

"Good idea," he said. "It could be an exciting adventure!"

The three friends had been spending the weekend on a mountain trip together, exploring nature and enjoying each other's company. Now, this intriguing sight had captured their attention, drawing them towards it like moths to a flame.

Elena bit her lip thoughtfully before nodding. "Alright, let's go! But we should be careful - who knows what could be causing that smoke?"

Victor's heart raced with anticipation as they set off in the direction of the dark plume, their footsteps crunching on the forest floor. The sun filtered through the leaves above them, casting dappled shadows across their path.

As they drew closer to the source of the smoke, Victor couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The air felt heavy with a sense of foreboding, and he found himself glancing over his shoulder every few steps.

Suddenly, Elena held up a hand, signaling for them to stop. "Look," she whispered, pointing ahead.

Through the trees, they could see the remnants of a fire - charred logs and smoldering embers. But what caught their attention was the sight of fresh tracks leading away from the scene.

"Someone's been here recently," Marius murmured, crouching down to examine one of the prints in the dirt. "And it looks like there was some kind of struggle."

Victor felt a chill run down his spine as he spotted something else - a piece of paper nailed to a nearby tree. He approached it cautiously and read aloud the words scrawled upon it:

"Please find us…"

The three friends exchanged worried glances, their earlier excitement now replaced by a sense of unease.

"What do you think that means?" Elena asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Victor swallowed hard, his mind racing with possibilities. "I don't know," he admitted. "But I have a feeling we're about to find out."

With renewed determination, they set off in the direction of the tracks, following them deeper into the forest and towards the heart of the mountain. The air grew colder as they climbed higher, and Victor found himself pulling his black sundress tighter around his slender frame.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across their path, Victor couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. He glanced over at his friends, seeing the same worry etched on their faces.

"We should find a place to camp for the night," Marius suggested, his voice tinged with concern. "It'll be getting dark soon."

Elena nodded in agreement, and Victor knew they had no choice but to heed their friend's advice. They found a sheltered spot beneath a large oak tree and began to set up camp, their movements fueled by a sense of urgency.

As the stars began to twinkle overhead and the fire crackled softly before them, Victor couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. What had they stumbled upon? And what secrets lay hidden within these mountains?

Only one thing was certain - their weekend adventure had taken a turn that none of them could have predicted. But as he looked at his friends huddled around the fire, Victor knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

The next morning, the children wake up and continue to follow the footprints. After 2 hours of hiking they reach a small cabin in the middle of nowhere. The door is open and inside there are some signs of life but no one is there.
Victor stepped cautiously into the eerie cabin, his heart pounding in his chest. The air was thick with an unsettling silence, broken only by the creaking of floorboards beneath their feet.

Elena and Marius followed close behind, their faces etched with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. As they ventured deeper into the room, Victor's eyes darted around, taking in every detail.
"Look at this," he whispered, pointing to a piece of paper that lay on the table.

Elena leaned in closer, her brow furrowed as she read aloud:

"Help us… We are trapped…"

The words sent a shiver down Victor's spine, and he felt his stomach twist with unease. Who had written this message? And where were they now?

Marius approached another door at the far end of the room, his hand hesitating on the knob. "Should we check in here?" he asked, glancing back at his friends.

Victor nodded, swallowing hard as he stepped forward to join Marius. Together, they pushed open the door, revealing a small bedroom.

But what greeted them inside sent Victor's heart racing with terror. There, sprawled across the bed, was the lifeless body of an elderly man - his eyes wide and glassy, staring sightlessly at the ceiling.

Victor stumbled back, his hand flying to his mouth as he fought down the urge to vomit. Elena let out a choked sob behind him, while Marius stood frozen in shock.

"What… what happened here?" Elena whispered, her voice trembling with fear.

Victor shook his head, unable to find the words. His mind raced with possibilities - had this man been killed? And if so, by whom?

As he turned back towards the door, Victor spotted something else that made his blood run cold. There, scrawled on the wall in what looked like blood, were the same words from the note outside:

"Please find us…"

A sudden creak from behind them made Victor whirl around, his heart leaping into his throat. But there was nothing there - just an empty room and a dead man.

Elena grabbed his hand, her own shaking as she squeezed it tightly. "Victor," she whispered, her voice choked with fear. "What's going on?"

Victor shook his head helplessly, feeling the weight of their discovery pressing down upon him. They had stumbled into something far more sinister than any adventure they could have imagined.

As they backed out of the room, Victor couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched - that somewhere in this cabin, a killer lurked, waiting for them to make a mistake.

They needed to find help - and fast. But as Victor glanced around at the dense forest surrounding them, he knew that they were on their own out here.

Their weekend trip had turned into a nightmare, and now all they could do was pray that they would survive long enough to see another dawn.

Victor looked at his friends with fear in his eyes. "We need to get out of here," he whispered urgently. "This isn't some treasure hunt - there's something very wrong going on."

Elena nodded, her face pale as she glanced back towards the room where they had found the body. Marius swallowed hard, his hands shaking slightly as he reached for Victor's arm.

"Victor's right," he said, his voice trembling. "We need to find help - and fast."

The three friends hurried out of the cabin, their hearts pounding in their chests as they raced back down the mountain path. The sun had begun to set, casting long shadows across the forest floor and making it difficult to see where they were going.

As they ran, Victor couldn't shake the feeling that someone - or something - was following them. He kept glancing over his shoulder, half-expecting to see a figure emerge from the trees behind them.

But there was nothing there - just the eerie silence of the forest and the distant sound of their own footsteps crunching on the dirt path.

After what felt like hours, they finally reached the spot where they had left their backpacks earlier that day. Victor's legs were burning with exhaustion, and he could see the same weariness etched on his friends' faces.

"We need to rest," Elena panted, collapsing onto a fallen log. "We can't keep going like this."

Victor knew she was right - they needed to catch their breath before continuing on. As they sat there, catching their breath and trying to calm their racing hearts, Victor couldn't help but wonder what had happened to the people who had been in that cabin.

Had they met with foul play? Or had they simply abandoned it, leaving behind a trail of clues for anyone brave enough - or foolish enough - to follow?

As the sun finally dipped below the horizon and the first stars began to twinkle overhead, Victor knew one thing for certain: their weekend adventure had taken a turn that none of them could have ever imagined. And now, all they could do was pray that they would make it out alive.

Povestea continuă totul culminând cu un final total neașteptat.

4. Concluzii

Folosirea modelului Azure_Dusk-v0.2 este foarte ușoară. Contextul generos de 128k token face ca povestea să fie plină de detalii interesante și totodată să păstreze atenția pe scenariul pregătit dinainte.

Împreună cu SillyTavern, Azure_Dusk-v0.2 poate fi folosit pentru a genera povești interesante pentru orice vârstă.

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