Nexus-IKM-RolePlay-StoryWriter-Hermes-2-Pro-7B Nexus-IKM-RolePlay-StoryWriter-Hermes-2-Pro-7B

Povestiri cu Nexus-IKM-RolePlay-StoryWriter-Hermes-2-Pro-7B

Nexus-IKM-RolePlay-StoryWriter-Hermes-2-Pro-7B este un alt model AI generativ dedicat compunerii de povești.

La o dimensiune de 8 GB, modelul se încadrează perfect în memoria VRAM a unei plăci video obișnuite.

Modelul funcționează pe baza unei intrigi propusă de utilizator, care poate conține detalii despre principalele personaje, comportamentul lor sau instrucțiuni legate de accentuarea anumitor detalii din poveste.

Testarea modelului Nexus-IKM-RolePlay-StoryWriter-Hermes-2-Pro-7B

Pentru testarea modelului am folosit LMStudio și următorul promp:

John is a young magician apprentice, 17 years old. One day his master sends him to the dark wood to get some magical herbs. 

Write a 20 000 tokens story about his trip to the forest, where he met the young princess Beatrice and fall in love.

Pornind de la aceste instrucțiuni modelul a dezvoltat o scurtă poveste:

John had been an apprentice to Master Grigori for two years. He was eager to prove his worth, but he knew that he needed to be patient and bide his time. His master had taught him well, and John was confident in his growing abilities.

One day, Master Grigori tasked him with a mission. "You must journey to the dark wood," he said, "and retrieve some magical herbs that are essential for our next spell."

John's heart raced with excitement. This was his chance to prove himself. He packed his satchel with the necessary supplies and set off early the next morning. The sun had just begun to rise as he entered the dense forest, the trees towering above him like ancient guardians.

As John ventured deeper into the wood, he became aware of a subtle magic that permeated the very air around him. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. He could feel the life force of the plants and animals, each pulsing with its own unique energy.

He walked for hours, his senses heightened by the magic in the air. Suddenly, he heard a soft rustling in the bushes ahead. He cautiously approached, and as he stepped out from behind a tree, he saw her. A young princess, no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, with long golden hair that seemed to glow in the dappled sunlight. She was dressed in tattered rags, and her eyes were filled with sadness and fear.

"Who are you?" John asked, trying to conceal his surprise. "And what are you doing here in the middle of the forest?"

The princess looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes. "My name is Beatrix," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I was kidnapped by an evil sorcerer and brought here against my will. I have been trapped in this wood for months now, with no hope of escape."

John's heart ached for the young princess. He knew that he had to help her, but he also understood the gravity of his situation. The magical herbs were essential, not only for his own development but for Master Grigori as well. He couldn't risk jeopardizing his master's work or their safety by getting sidetracked.

"I must continue on my mission," John said, trying to conceal his inner turmoil. "But I promise you, I will return for you. You won't be left here alone."

Beatrix looked at him with a mixture of hope and despair. "How can I trust you?" she asked, her voice barely audible. "You might never come back."

John reached into his satchel and pulled out a small pouch containing a few magical seeds. He handed it to Beatrix. "Plant these in the ground and water them," he instructed. "When you do, a vine will grow, and it will carry your message to me. I promise, I will return for you."

The princess took the pouch gratefully and hid it away in her pocket. She looked at John with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered. "I will wait for you."

John continued on his journey through the forest, his mind now consumed by the dual tasks of finding the magical herbs and rescuing Beatrix from her dire situation. The search was arduous, and he encountered many perils along the way. He narrowly avoided traps set by mischievous fairies, outwitted a pack of hungry wolves, and navigated through a treacherous swamp that threatened to swallow him whole.

Finally, after days of searching, John found what he had been looking for: a rare plant with vibrant red leaves and a sweet, intoxicating fragrance. He carefully plucked the herbs and returned to where he had left Beatrix, his heart pounding with anticipation.

But when he arrived at the spot, the princess was gone. Panic surged through John's veins. Had she been captured by the sorcerer? Was she in danger?

As he frantically searched for any sign of her, he noticed a vine growing from the ground where he had planted the magical seeds. It twisted and turned, leading him deeper into the forest. John followed the vine, his heart pounding with hope and fear.

After hours of traversing through the dense undergrowth, John found Beatrix in a small clearing. She was bound by ropes and guarded by two sinister-looking minions of the evil sorcerer. The princess looked at him with tears in her eyes, and John's heart swelled with determination.

He drew upon all his knowledge and skill to conjure up a powerful spell. He chanted incantations he had never used before, weaving together strands of magic that danced and shimmered around the guards. They were rendered helpless, their wicked intentions thwarted by John's newfound power.

With the guards incapacitated, John quickly untied Beatrix and helped her to her feet. "I'm here for you," he said softly, his voice filled with relief and joy.

Beatrix looked at him with a mixture of shock and gratitude. "You came back for me," she whispered, as if it were the most wonderful thing in the world.

John nodded, unable to speak as the enormity of the situation washed over him. He knew that they still had to face the evil sorcerer, but for now, they were together, and that was all that mattered.

As they made their way through the forest, John and Beatrix talked about their lives and dreams. They discovered a deep connection between them, a bond that transcended their circumstances. The more they spoke, the more John realized that he had fallen in love with the young princess.

When they finally emerged from the dark wood, they were met by Master Grigori, who was both surprised and pleased to see Beatrix. He commended John for his bravery and skill, and together, they returned to their village as heroes.

In the days that followed, John and Beatrix's relationship blossomed. They spent countless hours together, learning from each other and growing closer with each passing day. The love between them was undeniable, and soon, it became clear that they were destined to be together.

As the years passed, John continued his studies under Master Grigori, now aided by the knowledge and experience he had gained during his journey to the dark wood. He became one of the most skilled magicians in the land, renowned for his power and wisdom.

And Beatrix, once a kidnapped princess, became a beloved member of their village, her kindness and beauty touching the lives of all who knew her. Together, John and Beatrix faced the challenges that life presented them, their love a beacon of light in a world filled with darkness.

In time, they would face new trials and adventures, their bond tested by the forces of evil that sought to tear them apart. But through it all, John and Beatrix remained steadfast in their love, their hearts bound together by the magic that had brought them together in the first place. And as they faced the trials of life, they knew that they would always have each other, their love a testament to the power of hope, courage, and the indomitable spirit of true love.


Nexus-IKM-RolePlay-StoryWriter-Hermes-2-Pro-7B este un model care poate fi folosit în scrierea de șcenarii pentru jocuri, scurte povestiri sau pur și simplu pentru divertisment în conversații cu utilizatorii în care fiecare parte își asumă rolul unei personaj de poveste.

Modelul nu este pretențios și poate rula și local fără nici un fel de probleme.

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