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Phi 3.5 cu context de 128k tokeni

Phi 3.5

Phi 3.5

Microsoft a lansat versiunea îmbunâtățită a seriei Phi 3 – modelul Phi 3.5, un model de 2.5 GB orientat pe rapiditate și utilizare locală.

Phi 3.5 încearcă să atingă perforanța unor modele cu mărimi superioare fiind atrenat cu date sintetice și tehnologi de optimizare pentru o funcționare cât mai rapidă.

Modelul Phi 3.5 suportă un context generos de 128k token, fiind capabil să fie aplicat asupra documentelor mari pentru a face sumarizare sau pentru a răspunde la întrebări din acestea.

Testare conversații cu Phi 3.5

Pentru acestă testare am utilizat serverul local Ollama și extensia chrome Chat with Ollama.

La întrebarea Ce reprezintă dragostea pentru grecii antici? modelul a dat un răspuns cuprinzător:

For the Ancient Greeks, “love” (ἔraphή in Greek) could refer to a variety of feelings and relationships. The most profound expressions were often tied into their mythology, philosophy, and literature:

  1. Platonic Love – Plato’s theory discussed love as an intellectual connection without physical desire; this form was idealized and seen as elevating one towards higher forms of being or beauty through contemplation rather than mere sensual pleasure. This concept heavily influenced Greek philosophy on the idea that true affection is non-physical, transcending time and embodiment.
  2. Eros – Often depicted by gods like Eros (variously identified with Cupid or Aphrodite), this was a form of passionate love often associated with desire—sometimes dangerous in its intensity but also creative and life-giving when channeled properly into actions that benefit society.
  3. Agape – This is selfless, unconditional love which extends to all people without distinction or expectation; it’s similar to the modern concept of “caring for others” with a deep sense of duty and respect rather than merely being drawn by physical attraction or personal gain from relationships.
  4. Philia – A form of affectionate regard between friends, often described as brotherly love which is grounded in virtue—a deeper bond based on mutual interests and goodwill beyond just friendship (philos means “love” while philein refers to friendly feelings).
  5. Storge/Familial Love – A natural affection for one’s own family, often used by the Greeks as a metaphorical basis of love in other relationships and seen positively within household dynamics or social circles where strong bonds form naturally over time due to shared experiences (the word “storgí” means care).

The Ancient Greek conception of love was complex—it involved intellectual pursuit, passionate desire, ethical conduct towards others and even selflessness. The Greeks recognized various types which could coexist or overlap in different relationships: between gods and mortals (e.g., Zeus’s liaisons with human women), among friends as brothers-in-arms during battles, within families for caretaking of children etc.—each offering its own lessons on love’s nature according to Greek thought patterns which continue influencing contemporary views today through their literary works and philosophies.

I-am mai pus o întrebare dorind să îl încurc un pic:

In John has 3 apples, eats one of them, gives Merry 2 apples and receives 5 apples from his mom, how many apples has Merry?

Răspunsul a fost:

The information provided does not specify the initial number of apples that Merry starts with. To determine how many apples Merry has after these transactions involving John, we would need to know how many apples she had beforehand or if this exchange is her starting point (zero original). Assuming no prior context:

  1. If Merry initially does not have any apples and receives 2 from John:
    • Then Merry will have exactly 2 apples after the transaction with John.

Without further details, we cannot provide a precise number beyond this assumption—assuming zero initial apples for simplicity based on available information only related to transactions made by John that would affect how many apples Merry has afterwards.

Răspuns corect.

Testare sumarizare document cu Phi 3.5

Pentru această testare am folosit serverul Ollama local pentru model și AnythingLLM pentru analiza unui document în limba engleză – AI Act, varianta PDF de 459 de pagini.

Documentele acestea sunt greu de parcurs dacă avem nevoie rapid de o informație.

La întrebarea: Care sunt criteriile pentru identificarea riscului ridicat atunci când folosim sisteme AI, Phi 3.5 a dat un răspuns aproape instant:

L-am rugat să facă un sumar la Articolul 12 din text și a răspuns cu:


Phi 3.5 este un model AI foarte versatil, ușor de folosit pentru sarcinile obișnuite de birou (conversații, identificare informații în documente), cu marele avantaj al vitezei și prelucrării securizate a datelor, pe dispozitivele utilizatorilor.

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