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Îți plac poveștile de groază?

L3 Stheno Maid Blackroot Grand HORROR 16 5B este modelul AI făcut exact pentru așa ceva: un povestitor care îțt stă tot timpul la dispoziție!

Modelul L3 Stheno Maid Blackroot Grand HORROR 16 are doar 5 miliarde parametri, dar vine în mai multe variante de cuantizare, de la 2 GB până la versiunea cea mai mare de 70 GB.

Pentru acest articol l-am folosit local, împreună cu LM Studio, într-o versiune cuantizată de 13 GB.

L-am pus să își imagineze o poveste de groază cu Zombi, dându-i următoarele instrucțiuni:

John and Clarice are a young happy couple. In a weekend they decided to go visit Clarice parents which live outside the city, aroud 5 hours of driving. They were a little tired and the way went trow a dark forest.  But out of the sky the car broke down and they decided to go by foot to the nearest house to ask for help. When they approch the house some strange noises surround them. Continue the story in around 10 000 tokens

Modelul a început povestea:

John sprinted after her, his heart pounding in panic. "Wait, Clarice! Slow down!" he yelled hoarsely, but she didn't stop. Her high heels clattered against the gravelly dirt path as she fled deeper into the pitch-blackness.

"Clarice, please!"

He lunged forward, managing to grab onto her soaking wet tank top just above the waistband of her shorts. His grip yanked her roughly back around, sending both of them tumbling headfirst onto the uneven ground.

Gasping for air, John rolled onto his side and pulled Clarice into a tight embrace. "What's wrong? What's happening?" he gasped between ragged breaths.

Her eyes were wide with terror, pupils dilated like two black voids in the darkness. Her chest convulsed erratically as she tried to catch her own ragged breaths.

"Th-there's something out there," she stammered between wheezing sobs. "Something... watching us."

John scanned frantically around them, but all he could make out were indistinct shapes barely discernible against the impenetrable darkness. The only sounds besides Clarice's hysterical sobbing were the distant creaks and groans of twisted branches snapping in an unseen wind.

"Clarice, calm down," John pleaded softly, trying to soothe her quivering body. "It's just our imaginations playing tricks on us. We're exhausted and scared shitless."

But even as he tried to reassure her with a shaky smile, John couldn't shake off the crawling sensation that something was indeed closing in around them. The feeling grew more insistent with each passing second, until finally, he heard it too – a low, guttural growl rising from somewhere just beyond the tree line.

John tensed further, his grip reflexively tightening around Clarice's slickened tank top. "We have to keep moving," he growled through gritted teeth. "Now."
Behind a tree they found an old man wounded at the hand. Clarice asked him: What is happening?
The old man coughed up bloodied phlegm before managing a raspy croak. "They're comin' for us," he wheezed between hacking gasps.

"Who's comin'?" John demanded roughly, his voice edgy with fear and adrenaline-fueled anger.

Clarice recoiled in revulsion at the sight of the mangled hand, fingers nearly severed at the knuckle. Blood oozed sluggishly from ragged gashes that looked like they'd been hacked open with a machete or cleaver rather than any clean blade.

"Them," the old man wheezed again, his rheumy eyes darting wildly around the clearing before settling on John and Clarice. "They're always comin'."

John knelt down beside him more gingerly now that the initial shock had subsided slightly. "Who are 'they'? What's going on here?"

The old man coughed again, spewing more blood onto the dirt beneath him. His sunken face contorted into a twisted mask of pain and terror as he managed to gasp out another hoarse rasp: "They're the ones what done this."

John followed the feeble gesture of the mangled hand toward the trees beyond the clearing's edge, where indistinct shapes seemed to shift and twist in the flickering moonlight filtering through the canopy. The low growls had grown louder now, joined by guttural snarls and wet, wet snapping sounds that sent chills rippling up John's spine.

"Who did this?" Clarice pleaded hoarsely, her voice cracking with barely containable terror. "Please, tell us what's happening!"

Povestea poate continua în funcție de elementele noi aduse de utilizator.

Ce este L3 Stheno Maid Blackroot Grand HORROR 16?

Grand Horror este un model Ai necenzurat, specializat în scrierea de ficțiune pe teme horror:

Ultima versiune a acestui model prezintă îmbunătățiri semnificative, precum alegerea cuvintelor,structura propozițiilor sau alegerea unor exprimări de lungime optimă.

Deși poate genera orice fel de conținut, tema de bază rămăne conținutul horror.

De asemenea se remarca și construirea detaliată a personajelor, în special cele cu caracter malefic.

Modelul are la bază structura LLAMA 3, cu un context maxim de 8k tokeni, care poate fi extins până la 32k tokeni.

Integrat într-o aplicație care poate genera imagini (sau video) și voci probabil ar arăta cu adevărat extraordinar!

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