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Dusk Rainbow 7B – noul bunic care spune povești

Dusk Rainbow 7B - generatorul de povești

Dacă sunteți amator de povești de toate genurile, noul model AI Dusk Rainbow este poate prietenul vostru cel mai bun.

Dusk Rainbow a fost dezvoltat pentru a inventa povești în jurul unor subiecte furnizate de utilizator.

Modelul are la bază LLAMA 3 8B reantrenat cu un set de 16 milioane de tokeni cu scopul generării de povești cu o lungime clar determinată de paragrafe în jurul unui prompt al utilizatorului.

Mărimea lui de aproximativ 9 GB îl face ușor de utilizat și pe dispozitivele mai puțin pretențioase.

Testare Dusk Rainbow 7B

L-am rugat să dezvolte o mică poveste de 30 de paragrafe cu următorul subiect:

Write 30 paragraphs of a cyberpunk science fiction story set in year 2084. The story take place in Europe after a catastrophic event in 2069 that produces a massive burst of energy that wiped out all electrical tools including phones, computers and tv. The main character is George, of 17 year, that make a living by finding old electrical tools and brings them to John a local dealer that take the valuable components out of them. One day George finds a collection of old printed photos and is amazed by them because he did not see any (the event destroied every phone and computer that stored photos). The plot is that he brings the photos to John and John discovers in those images the real reason of why the event happend.

Am folosit LM Studio cu preseturile pentru LLAMA 3 V2:

Iată povestea generată:

Paragraph 01
In the year 2084, Europe was still recovering from the catastrophic event of 2069. A massive burst of energy had wiped out all electrical tools, including phones, computers, and TVs. The world had been plunged into darkness, and it took years for society to rebuild.

Paragraph 02
George, a 17-year-old boy, made his living by finding old electrical tools in the ruins of the past. He would bring them to John, a local dealer who would take out the valuable components from them. George’s job was to scavenge, and he was good at it.

Paragraph 03
One day, while searching through an abandoned house, George stumbled upon a collection of old printed photos. The images were in black and white, but they amazed him nonetheless. In his lifetime, he had never seen any physical photographs; everything was digital.

Paragraph 04
George couldn’t resist the urge to take the photos with him. He carefully placed them in his pocket and continued his search for electrical devices. As he left the house, he felt a strange connection to the people in those pictures, wondering what their lives had been like.

Paragraph 05
A few days later, George brought the photos to John’s shop. The dealer took one look at them and became visibly excited. “These are priceless,” he said, his eyes shining with greed. “I can sell these for a fortune.”

Paragraph 06
George was happy that he had made a good find, but he didn’t understand why John was so enthusiastic about old pictures. The dealer began to study the photos more closely, and George noticed that he kept muttering to himself.

Paragraph 07
After several hours of examination, John finally looked up at George with a serious expression. “I need you to do something for me,” he said. “It’s important.”

Paragraph 08
George nodded, curious about what the dealer wanted from him. “I’ve been doing some research on these photos,” John explained. “And I think I’ve discovered the real reason behind the catastrophic event of 2069.”

Paragraph 09
George was stunned. No one had ever been able to figure out why the world had been destroyed in such a sudden and inexplicable way. “Tell me what you found,” he said, his heart pounding with excitement.

Paragraph 10
John pointed at one of the photos. “This is a picture of a group of scientists working on a top-secret project,” he said. “I believe they were trying to create a new form of energy.”

Paragraph 11
George looked at the photo again, but he didn’t see anything special about it. The people in the image looked like any other scientists working on an experiment.

Paragraph 12
John continued his explanation. “The project was called ‘Eternity,’ and its goal was to create a source of energy that would last forever. They believed that if they could achieve this, they would be able to solve all of the world’s energy problems.”

Paragraph 13
George listened intently, trying to understand what any of this had to do with the catastrophic event. “But why did it fail?” he asked.

Paragraph 14
John pointed at another photo. “This is a picture of the lead scientist on the project,” he said. “His name was Dr. Richard Langley.”

Paragraph 15
George looked at the image, noticing that the man in the picture had a striking resemblance to one of the people in the first photo. It seemed that Dr. Langley had been part of the group working on the Eternity project.

Paragraph 16
John continued his story. “Dr. Langley was obsessed with making the Eternity project a success,” he said. “He spent years working on it, pouring all of his resources into the endeavor.”

Paragraph 17
George could understand why someone would be so dedicated to their work. He had seen how hard John worked every day, just to make ends meet.

Paragraph 18
John pointed at another photo. “This is a picture of Dr. Langley’s wife,” he said. “Her name was Sarah.”

Paragraph 19
George looked at the image, noticing that she was very beautiful. He couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to her and their children.

Paragraph 20
John continued his story. “Dr. Langley’s obsession with the Eternity project caused a rift between him and his family,” he said. “His wife left him, taking their children with her.”

Paragraph 21
George felt sorry for Dr. Langley. It seemed that he had lost everything because of his dedication to science.

Paragraph 22
John pointed at another photo. “This is a picture of the Eternity facility,” he said. “It was located in a remote area, hidden from the public eye.”

Paragraph 23
George looked at the image, noticing that it seemed to be some kind of underground bunker. He wondered what kind of technology had been stored inside.

Paragraph 24
John continued his story. “Dr. Langley spent years working on the Eternity project,” he said. “But just when he was about to achieve success, his wife and children were killed in a tragic accident.”

Paragraph 25
George felt a chill run down his spine as he listened to John’s words. He could see the pain and sadness in the dealer’s eyes.

Paragraph 26
John pointed at another photo. “This is a picture of Dr. Langley after the accident,” he said. “He was devastated.”

Paragraph 27
George looked at the image, noticing that the man in the picture seemed to be on the brink of madness. He could understand why someone would want to destroy the world after experiencing such a terrible loss.

Paragraph 28
John continued his story. “Dr. Langley became obsessed with revenge,” he said. “He believed that if he could just get one last chance, he could make everything right again.”

Paragraph 29
George listened in horror as John told him about the final moments of the Eternity project. Dr. Langley had managed to activate the device, but it had malfunctioned and created a massive burst of energy that wiped out all electrical tools, including phones, computers, and TVs.

Paragraph 30
John finished his story, and George sat in silence for several minutes, trying to process everything he had just heard. He couldn’t believe that one man’s obsession and grief had led to the destruction of the world. And yet, he could understand why it had happened. The pain and suffering that Dr. Langley had experienced was beyond comprehension.

Concluzie: Dusk Rainbow – un model distractiv

Dusk Rainbow construiește destul de bine o lume fictivă și personaje animate de emoții. Îmi aduce aminte de revistele de benzi desenate în care subiectul era creionat în cateva idei simple și se punea accentul pe felul cum se comportă personajele în scenariu.

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