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Chronos-Gold-12B 1.0 noul rege al poveștilor

Chronos-Gold-12B 1.0 noul rege al poveștilor

Chronos-Gold-12B 1.0 noul rege al poveștilor

Chronos-Gold-12B 1.0 este un nou model conversațional dedicat generării de povești sau jocurilor de tip role-play.

1. Introducere

Modelul este construit pe baza mai complexului model Mistral Nemo Base 2407 și dispune de un context de 128 k tokeni.

Chronos-Gold-12B a fost antrenat în mod specific pentru a păstra coerența poveștilor și a genera personalități în jurul personajelor setate în aplicații precum SillyTavern.

Modele are mai multe versiuni în funcție de cuantizarea aleasă de la 7 GB până la 28 GB.

2. Instalarea modelului în LM Studio

Modelul poate fi descărcat gratuit de pe platforma HuggingFace. Varianta recomandată pentru LM Studio este cea cuantizată pe 4 biți, de aproximativ 7 GB, care poate rula integral din memoria video unei plăci grafice obișnuite.

După descărcarea modelului trebuie să pornim serverul LM Studio care va servi informațiile de pe localhost pe portul 1234.

3. Utilizare cu inferență locală

Pentru utilizarea inferenței prin python va trebui să instalăm în prealabil librăria:

pip install openai

Un exemplu de cod python este următorul:

  GNU nano 7.2                                                                                                                       from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI(
    api_key= "lmstudio",

# Create a chat completion
completion =
    model="local-model",  # this field is currently unused
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a creative writer specialised on ancient gods."},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Introduce yourself."}

# Print the chatbot's response

Am instruit modelul Chronos-Gold-12B 1.0 să se comporte ca un scriitor specializat in povești de aventuri cu zei antici.

În primul test vom cere modelului AI să genereze o poveste despre Zeus, cu următorul prompt:

Imagine long story (6000 tokes) about Zeus coming to modern day Paris in a visit. He is amased about modern life. Hera is sending Hercules to Earth to bring back Zeus to Olymp city.
Chronos-Gold-12B 1.0 generează o poveste despre Zeus la Paris

Povestea generată este următoarea:

Zeus peered down from Mount Olympus, his piercing blue eyes scanning the bustling streets of modern-day Paris below. The sight filled him with wonder and curiosity. After thousands of years ruling over the Greek pantheon, even the mighty god of sky and thunder was awestruck by human ingenuity.

With a flash of lightning, Zeus descended from the heavens, his chiseled features disguised beneath an immaculately tailored suit. He strode down the Champs-Élysées, marveling at the towering glass skyscrapers that seemed to touch the clouds themselves. The divine scent of fresh baguettes mingled with car exhaust as he made his way through the crowds.

Zeus ducked into a cozy sidewalk café, sliding unnoticed past mortals and taking a seat at a corner table. A waiter approached, pen poised over his notepad. Zeus glanced at the menu, his brow furrowing in confusion at the unfamiliar dishes.

"Je vais avoir la salade César et une bière," he declared, hoping for something familiar amidst the foreign offerings. The waiter nodded and hurried off to place the order.

As Zeus sipped his beer, savoring the crisp, cold beverage, a flash of movement caught his eye. A young woman with fiery red hair strode past the café window, her flowing dress billowing behind her. There was something about her that drew Zeus's gaze like a magnet—an alluring, almost supernatural grace.

Just then, Hercules burst through the café door in a shower of splintered wood and overturned chairs. The muscular hero scanned the room until his eyes fell upon Zeus.

"Father!" Hercules bellowed. "Mother Hera has tasked me with returning you to Olympus at once!"

Zeus sighed, downing the rest of his beer. "Herc, my boy, you know I can't resist a good adventure. Just give me a little more time to explore this fascinating new world."

Hercules crossed his arms, unmoving. "I'm afraid that's not an option, Father. Mother was quite insistent."

Zeus stood up abruptly, chair clattering behind him. He leaned in close to Hercules, voice low and threatening.

"You dare defy me, son? I am Zeus, king of the gods! You will do as I command!"

Hercules met his father's glare unflinchingly. "Not this time, Dad. Let's take this outside."

The two titans burst from the café in a storm of wind and shattered glass, drawing startled screams from passersby. Mortals scattered as Zeus and Hercules exchanged blows on the busy Parisian street.

Zeus summoned his iconic lightning bolts, raining down strikes against his son. Hercules countered with incredible speed and strength, dodging and blocking the god's attacks. The battle moved into the streets of Paris, two giants wreaking havoc upon the city.

Pedestrians fled in terror as Zeus and Hercules rampaged through the heart of Paris, their divine combat leveling buildings and overturning cars. Hercules managed to seize Zeus by the throat, slamming him against a crumbling wall.

"Give it up, Father," Hercules growled, his grip tightening. "You can't win this fight."

Zeus glared back defiantly even as his son choked the life from him. In that moment, Hera appeared in a shimmering burst of light between them. The queen of Olympus regarded her husband and son with steely eyes.

"This stops now," she commanded, voice ringing out across the ruined streets. "You will both return to Mount Olympus immediately and face the consequences of your actions."

Hercules released Zeus, who collapsed to his knees, gasping for breath. Hera extended a hand to each man in turn.

"Come, my loves," she said softly. "It's time we returned home where we belong."

Povestea este cursivă și păstrează tema stabilită de utilizator. Stilul e ușor comic și Chronos-Gold-12B 1.0 se achită bine de sarcinile stabilite.

În următorul test vom vedea dacă este capabil să genereze glume, și nu orice fel de glume, ci glume cu zei antici.

Promptul primit de model este:

Imagine a discution between Zeus and Hera, ancient gods. Imagine 3 jokes between them.
Chronos-Gold-12B 1.0 generează un dialog între Zeus și Hera pe muntele Olimp

Chronos-Gold-12B generează următorul dialog care seamnănă cu textul unei piese de teatru:

Here is an imagined dialogue between Zeus and Hera with three jokes incorporated:

Zeus: My dear wife, why so glum? Did the latest mortal sacrifice not please you?

Hera: Oh, don't play coy, husband. We both know that feeble offering was your doing - a ploy to avoid my company for yet another day. But I'm on to you.

Zeus: (winking) You're too clever by half! Alright, I confess...I've been busy keeping an eye on the latest crop of nymphs cavorting in the woods. They put on quite a show.

Hera: Ha! So THAT'S what's kept you distracted. Well, it seems you'll have plenty of time to ogle them from your throne now. Did you really think I wouldn't notice my golden apples going missing? You've been feeding those nymphs!

Zeus: What? No, no...I merely wanted to show them some hospitality as a gesture of goodwill. Surely it's not so unusual for a benevolent god to share his bounty?

Hera: Oh Zeus! Your silver tongue is as slick as ever. But don't think you can charm me with flattery after pulling such a stunt.

Zeus: (laughing) You wound me, wife! But very well...I concede defeat in this round of wits. Now, how about we call it even and enjoy an evening of debauchery together? I've got some new wines you simply must try...

Hera: Debauchery with my philandering husband? Not likely! If you want to make amends, you'll start by returning my golden apples and promising to keep your attentions on me for once.

Zeus: Ah, so that's what this is about! Very well, I apologize. But I should warn you - those nymphs are quite persuasive little minxes when they put their minds to it...

Hera: (shaking her head) Men...they're all the same no matter how many centuries pass. Tell me Zeus, does Aphrodite know about this latest dalliance of yours? Or will that be another thorn in my side?

Zeus: My love, you wound me! I'm a married man! I would never dream of betraying our sacred vows with that harlot of the seas. She's far too much woman for even a god like myself to handle!

Hera: (sighing) Spare me your flattery and return my apples at once before I summon the Furies to deal with you properly! Then perhaps we can discuss this further...but not until after I've had an audience with Apollo. That boy has been slacking off on his duties again - always chasing down more mortal women to seduce!

Zeus: (laughing heartily) Women, Hera? Since when did Apollo turn his attentions there? The last I heard he was busy wooing some nymphs himself! Oh, this is seems the gods are all in quite a tangle these days. Perhaps it's time we called for a holiday and retired to our island villa to sort things out properly over a bottle of ambrosia? What say you?

Hera: (smiling slyly) Now THAT sounds like an idea I can get behind, husband. But first - apples! And not one word more about nymphs or I'll be forced to take drastic measures!

Zeus: Yes's as good as done!

Un test mai dificil este generarea unor bancuri pe despre Ares, zeul râzboiului sau despre Diana, zeița vânătorii:

Write a joke about Ares, god of war. Then write a joke about Diana, god of hunting.

Bancurile sunt:

Ares Joke:
Q: What did the goddess Ares say when she was asked why she's always so angry?
A: "I'm just exercising my rage muscles!"

Diana Joke:
Q: Why did Diana get her first bow at age five?
A: Because her parents wanted to keep her occupied and quiet during family gatherings!
Chronos-Gold-12B 1.0 compune bancuri despre zei

Recunoaltem, bancurile nu te fac să mori de râs, dar se pot încadra în scrierile umoristice.

Ultimul test pe care îl vom face este să vedem dacă putem folosi modelul pentru a creiona elementele unei piese de teatru, de tip comedie cu următoarea tema:

Write a scenary plot for a theatrical play with the theme: Sophos is the young sun of king Leonids. He is in love of Deanis a yound and beautiful girl. But Zeus comes to earth to find a woman for himseld, while Hera his wife tries to catch him. The play is a comedy of situatios and dialog and has 3 acts.
Chronos-Gold-12B 1.0 scrie intriga unei piese de teatru

Țineți minte: piesa nu există, nu poate fi furată de către Chronos-Gold-12B de undeva, el va folosi strict capacitatea generativă pentru a constui o intrigă de la zero:

Act I:
Scene 1: A palace courtyard. Sophos, the young prince, is pacing back and forth, looking distressed.
Sophos: (to himself) Oh Deanis, my love! How I long to be with you!
Enter Leonids, king of Olympus.
Leonids: What troubles you so, my son?
Sophos: It's Deanis, Father. I'm madly in love with her, but she seems distant lately.
Leonids: (winking) Ah, the pains of young love! Just wait until Zeus hears about this. He might have some advice for you.

Scene 2: Zeus descends from Olympus on a golden chariot pulled by eagles. He is disguised as a handsome mortal man.
Zeus: Greetings mortals! I am Zephyrion, a traveler from afar seeking shelter in your kingdom.
Leonids and Sophos bow respectfully before Zeus.
Zeus: (aside) And perhaps some company too...
Enter Hera disguised as a wealthy widow.
Hera: Ah, what have we here? A handsome stranger?
Zeus: (flirting) Indeed! Perhaps you'd like to show me around town later?
Hera: It would be my pleasure!
Sophos: (aside) Father, I must speak with Deanis today and confess my love!

Act II:
Scene 1: The market square. Sophos approaches Deanis who is shopping for herbs.
Sophos: My lady! Might we talk privately?
Deanis: Oh Sophos... you know it's not appropriate. We come from different worlds.
Sophos: But I love you, Deanis! My feelings are true!
Enter Zeus and Hera in disguise.
Zeus: (whispering to Deanis) You there! Lovely maiden, might you help me select some flowers?
Deanis: (distracted) Certainly sir...
Hera: (aside) Oh no, he's going to ruin everything!
Sophos: (to himself) What is happening? Why is everyone behaving so strangely today?

Scene 2: Zeus and Hera argue heatedly in an alleyway.
Zeus: You will not stop me from enjoying myself this time!
Hera: I'll expose you for the adulterous philanderer you are!
Enter Sophos searching for Deanis.
Sophos: Have any of you seen Deanis?
Zeus: (covering for Hera) No, we haven't. Why don't you help us select some flowers instead?
Hera: (aside) Oh gods, he's going to ruin everything!

Act III:
Scene 1: The palace courtyard at night. Sophos is waiting anxiously.
Sophos: Deanis, where are you? Please come!
Enter Zeus and Hera arguing loudly as they enter the courtyard.
Zeus: I won't be contained by your jealousy any longer!
Hera: You'll never get away with this!
Deanis enters behind them, having overheard everything.
Deanis: Sophos! I heard everything. You love me truly?
Sophos: Yes, my darling! For all eternity!
Enter Leonids, waking up from the commotion outside his chambers.
Leonids: What's going on out here? Who is that with Zeus and Hera?
Zeus turns around in shock to see who just entered.
Zeus: (disguise dropping) Leonids?! It was a trick! You're not really mortal!
Hera: (rushing over) Zeus, you wretched cheater! I knew it was you!
Leonids: Sophos, what is the meaning of this?
Sophos takes Deanis' hand.
Sophos: Father, I love her and she loves me. Please grant us your blessing to marry.
Zeus: (smiling) Well played, my son! It's time for Olympus to have a new god couple in its ranks!
Hera: (sighing dramatically) Oh fine then... But no more mortals from now on!
The curtain falls as everyone celebrates the new union of Sophos and Deanis.

Nu e defel rău la o primă încercare nu-i așa?

4. Concluzii

Chronos-Gold-12B este un model generativ capabil să respecte instrucțiunile utilizatorilor și să genereze povești sau scenarii plauzibile din prompturi simple. Chiar dacă nu e nevoie ca tot textul să fie compus de Chronos-Gold-12B, el poate fi folosit ca sursă de inspirație sau de construire a scenelor și poate fi o unealtă extraordinară pentru scriitorii la început de drum.

Chronos-Gold-12B poate fi utilizat împreună cu aplicații conversaționale precum SillyTavern pentru a construi lumi imaginare și dialoguri între personaje fictive cu personalități programate de jucători.

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